Statement of Faith
We believe
We believe in one Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Virgin Birth and the Deity of Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who is also Son of Man, with two distinct natures in one Person forever.
We believe that all people are created with dignity and great value in the image of God and that people were created to live in a thriving relationship with God. However, through our sin, we break our intended relationship with God and experience the consequences of separation from God.
Jesus’ death on the cross was the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world.
We believe in the bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, which ensures the resurrection of all believers who have received God’s gift of eternal life.
The Bible is God’s word to all humankind. It was written by human authors, under the supernatural direction of the Holy Spirit. It is the Church’s authoritative text in all areas of faith and life including, but not limited to, theological doctrine, mission, church order, character, and ethical behavior.
We believe every believer, as a disciple of Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, is called to serve others, as Jesus told us to be His light, love, compassion, kindness, and hope to the world around us.
Given new life by the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ is now Lord of every area of our lives: our spiritual lives and our physical lives; our social lives including marriage, politics, and culture; our intellectual lives; our work lives, and our recreational lives; and the use of our bodies, our possessions, our resources, and our money.
Salvation is God’s gracious work through Jesus Christ to reclaim humankind and all creation from sin and its consequences. Salvation is a gift of God’s grace received by faith.
We believe that life continues after physical death and there is a heaven and a hell. We believe that Jesus has come, is currently, and will one day return to bring justice and judgment to all things and to establish God’s righteous kingdom in fullness and perfection.
This list isn't inclusive of every position that we would take on all matters - but it forms the center of our structure of belief. We hold to the historic creeds and affirmations of the broad Christian church - the Apostles Creed and Nicene Creed. If you have any questions somebody from our Leadership Team or a staff member would love to meet and talk.